Analysis: If simplifying all of his collection and view it's usage of color in the form of color wheel, we could easily spot out his tendency of using color.
First of all, it isn't hard to see that there is a increase of complexity on using color. Two tones of colors were used at very beginning, however, the complexity of color usage is increase accordingly. You could see that at A/W 2007-08, even seven various colors other than black, white, and greys are used.
Second, generally speaking, it seems that he use more color combination at A/W than S/S.
Third, it is most likely that, red is a "must" for color usage other than black, white, and grey. Only S/S 03 and S/S 98 are exceptions.
Forth, Triad is the most commonly used color theory. Complementary colors of Red and Green are also widely used. So do Tetrad.
To summarize, I would forecast the color usage of A/W 2009-10 is in even higher complexity, with red as the core color with black, white, grey, also coporate with others color under color theory of Triad and Tetrad.